01484 605 321 info@bjaphysio.com

Cancellation policy

We understand that life can throw the unexpected at us sometimes, which may result in you needing to change your plans. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we respectfully request at least 24 hours notice.

At BJA Physiotherapy we work hard to provide excellence in clinical and customer care for all our clients.

Our team have scheduled time in their diary for your treatment and a fee therefore will be charged for non-attendance or cancellations less than the required notice period given below:


Cancellation charges

The minimum cancellation period for appointments is 24 hours. If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, you will be charged.

If you are claiming from private medical insurance, and your insurance company does not pay for cancelled appointments, you are personally responsible for paying this charge. 

First late cancellation charge

We understand that some circumstances, such as sudden onset of an illness, hospitalisation, or transportation issues, mean it is not possible to give 24 hours’ notice of cancellation.

We therefore only charge 50% of your appointment fee for your first cancellation.

Second late cancellation charge

The full appointment fee will be charged for your second cancellation made with less than 24 hours’ notice. 

Payment of this fee must be made within 7 days of the missed appointment, or 24 hours prior to attending your next appointment. 

No follow-up appointments may be booked until the cancellation charge is paid. 

Health insurance claims:

  • Therapists consulting at BJA Physiotherapy are recognised by major health insurers.
  • Clients wishing to fund their treatment with private health insurance please provide insurance policy numbers and authorisation numbers prior to their first appointment. 
  • Clients must always confirm the terms of their policy with their insurer before coming to their first appointment.
  • Clients are asked to settle any insurance excess within 7 days of notice being sent.
  • BJA Physiotherapy cannot be held responsible for the non-payment of claims, and clients should note that they are ultimately responsible for payment of their accounts.